remuda - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

remuda (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic transcription


Translation options into English

  1. Remuda
  2. Change of horses
  3. Replacement of horses


"Remuda" refers to a group of horses from which fresh ones are selected as needed, especially on a long journey. It is commonly used in the context of cowboys or horseback riding to describe a group of horses kept for changing out tired mounts. The word is more commonly used in written contexts rather than oral speech.


  1. Los vaqueros llevaron una remuda de caballos para el largo viaje.
    The cowboys brought a remuda of horses for the long journey.
  2. Durante el rodeo, los jinetes utilizaron diferentes caballos de la remuda.
    During the rodeo, the riders used different horses from the remuda.

Important Idiomatic Expressions

Idiomatic Expressions with "Remuda":

  1. Cambiar de remuda: To change horses, to switch to a different approach.
  2. Nos convendría cambiar de remuda en este proyecto. We should switch to a different approach in this project.
  3. Estar echando la remuda: To get ready for a change or to be in the process of planning it.
  4. Estamos echando la remuda para la mudanza a la nueva oficina. We are getting ready for the move to the new office.


The word "remuda" comes from the Spanish verb "remudar," meaning 'to exchange or switch' and its root word "mudar" meaning 'to change or shift.'

