reo de asesinato - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

reo de asesinato (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic transcription

['re.o ðeˈ]

Translation options into English


The phrase "reo de asesinato" refers to a person who is accused or charged with murder in a legal context. It is often used in the judicial system to refer to the defendant in a murder trial. This phrase is mostly used in written contexts such as legal documents, court proceedings, and news articles related to crime and trials.

Example sentences

  1. El abogado defensor presentó pruebas contundentes en favor del reo de asesinato. Translation: The defense lawyer presented compelling evidence in favor of the murder defendant.

  2. La sentencia del reo de asesinato se conocerá la próxima semana. Translation: The verdict of the murder defendant will be announced next week.

Idiomatic expressions

In Spanish, the phrase "reo de asesinato" is not typically used in idiomatic expressions. However, other legal terms or phrases related to crime and justice may be part of idiomatic expressions.


Synonyms and Antonyms