represalias comerciales - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

represalias comerciales (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic transcription

/repɾeˈs̝aljas komerˈsjales/

How the Word is Used

"Represalias comerciales" is a term commonly used in the Spanish language, especially in the domain of economics. It refers to commercial retaliations or trade retaliations. This term is typically used more in written contexts, such as news articles, economic reports, or official statements; however, it can also be used in oral speech, especially in formal discussions or debates related to trade policies and international economics.

Example Sentences

  1. Las represalias comerciales entre los dos países han afectado gravemente las exportaciones.
  2. The commercial retaliations between the two countries have severely affected exports.

  3. El gobierno anunció represalias comerciales en respuesta a las tasas arancelarias impuestas por sus socios comerciales.

  4. The government announced trade retaliations in response to the tariff rates imposed by trading partners.

  5. Las represalias comerciales pueden tener un impacto significativo en la economía global.

    • Trade retaliations can have a significant impact on the global economy.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, the term "represalias comerciales" is not commonly part of idiomatic expressions. However, here are a few other idiomatic expressions related to trade and economics: 1. Ser pan comido - Literal Translation: To be eaten bread - Meaning: Something is very easy.

  1. Poner el grito en el cielo
  2. Literal Translation: To put the shout in the sky
  3. Meaning: To make a big fuss about something.

  4. Quedarse en números rojos

  5. Literal Translation: To stay in the red numbers
  6. Meaning: To end up in debt or with financial losses.

  7. Pagar el pato

  8. Literal Translation: To pay the duck
  9. Meaning: To bear the consequences, often unfairly.


Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Medidas de represalia comercial (Measures of commercial retaliation) - Acciones de represalia comercial (Actions of commercial retaliation)

Antonyms: - Acuerdos comerciales (Trade agreements) - Cooperación comercial (Trade cooperation)