repugnancia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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repugnancia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "repugnancia" refers to a strong feeling of dislike, disgust, or aversion towards something or someone. In both law and philosophy, it can be used to describe a moral or ethical objection to specific actions or ideas.

In the Spanish language, "repugnancia" is often associated with a visceral or emotional reaction, frequently employed in both oral and written forms, especially in contexts discussing ethics, personal experience, or psychological states.

Example Sentences

Idiomatic Expressions

"Repugnancia" is not as commonly featured in idiomatic expressions as some other terms, but it can appear in expressions that encapsulate strong feelings of dislike or moral objections.

  1. Sentir repugnancia por algo
  2. Translation: To feel repugnance towards something
  3. Ejemplo: Siento repugnancia por la corrupción en el gobierno.
  4. Translation: I feel repugnance towards corruption in the government.

  5. Provocar repugnancia

  6. Translation: To provoke repugnance
  7. Ejemplo: La falta de ética en los negocios provoca repugnancia en muchos consumidores.
  8. Translation: The lack of ethics in business provokes repugnance in many consumers.

  9. Con repugnancia

  10. Translation: With repugnance
  11. Ejemplo: Acepté la tarea con repugnancia, sabiendo que sería difícil.
  12. Translation: I accepted the task with repugnance, knowing it would be difficult.


The word "repugnancia" originates from the Latin term "repugnantia," which is derived from "repugnare," meaning "to fight back" or "to resist." The prefix "re-" indicates opposition, while "pugnare" relates to fighting. Thus, it carries the connotation of an emotional resistance or the act of fighting against something that is distasteful or unacceptable.


