reputar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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reputar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Reputar is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To consider
  2. To regard
  3. To esteem

Meaning and Usage

The verb reputar refers to the action of considering, recognizing, or valuing something or someone in a particular way. It is often used in legal contexts as well as in general speaking to indicate the way an entity is perceived or acknowledged based on certain criteria.

Frequency of Use: Reputar is more commonly seen in written contexts, particularly in formal documentation, law, and academic writing. It is less frequently used in everyday conversational Spanish.

Example Sentences

  1. La corte decidió reputar como válidos los documentos presentados.
    The court decided to regard the submitted documents as valid.

  2. Él es reputado como uno de los mejores abogados de la ciudad.
    He is considered one of the best lawyers in the city.

  3. Reputamos su trabajo como fundamental para el éxito del proyecto.
    We consider your work fundamental to the success of the project.

Idiomatic Expressions

While the verb reputar itself may not have many widely recognized idiomatic expressions, it functions in various constructs in law and professional settings. Here are some examples showing its use in phrases that convey reputation or perception:

  1. Reputar en alto
    To hold in high regard
  2. La comunidad se empeña en reputar en alto a sus líderes.
    The community strives to hold its leaders in high regard.

  3. Reputar un derecho
    To attribute a right to someone

  4. El juez decidió reputar un derecho de propiedad al demandante.
    The judge decided to attribute a property right to the plaintiff.

  5. Reputar una cualidad
    To ascribe a quality

  6. Es importante reputar esta cualidad antes de tomar una decisión.
    It is important to ascribe this quality before making a decision.


The verb reputar comes from the Latin verb reputare, which means "to think over, consider, or reflect." The prefix "re-" implies a repetitive or reflective action, while "putare" means "to think or to reckon."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Considerar (to consider) - Valorar (to value) - Estimar (to esteem)

Antonyms: - Desestimar (to dismiss) - Ignorar (to ignore) - Despreciar (to despise)

In summary, reputar is a formal verb utilized primarily in legal and written contexts, acknowledging the ways in which entities or individuals are perceived according to specific standards. It relates closely to consideration and is essential for clear communication in law and academic discussions.
