resaltar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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resaltar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "resaltar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Resaltar" is used in Spanish to express the action of making something stand out or drawing attention to it. It can refer to physical highlighting, as in marking text, or to emphasize an idea, characteristic, or quality of a subject. The verb is frequently used in both written and oral forms, with a slightly higher usage in written contexts such as academic or professional settings.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante resaltar los logros del equipo durante la presentación.
    It is important to highlight the team's achievements during the presentation.

  2. El profesor decidió resaltar las partes más importantes del texto para que los estudiantes las notaran.
    The teacher decided to emphasize the most important parts of the text so that the students would notice them.

  3. El color rojo en el cuadro resalta mucho con el fondo azul.
    The red color in the painting stands out a lot against the blue background.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Resaltar" is not commonly used in fixed idiomatic expressions; however, it can be found in various phrases that involve the action of emphasizing or highlighting.

  1. Resaltar la importancia de algo
    To highlight the importance of something
    Ejemplo: Debemos resaltar la importancia de la educación en nuestra sociedad.
    We must highlight the importance of education in our society.

  2. Resaltar los detalles
    To emphasize the details
    Ejemplo: Ella siempre resalta los detalles en sus proyectos para que sean más atractivos.
    She always emphasizes the details in her projects to make them more appealing.

  3. Resaltar la diferencia
    To point out the difference
    Ejemplo: El informe resalta la diferencia entre los dos enfoques utilizados.
    The report points out the difference between the two approaches used.


The verb "resaltar" comes from the prefix "re-" indicating "again" or "back" and the verb "saltar," which means "to jump." Thus, "resaltar" conveys the notion of something that "jumps back" or stands out prominently.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Destacar (to stand out) - Subrayar (to underline) - Enfatizar (to emphasize)

Antonyms: - Omitir (to omit) - Ignorar (to ignore) - Disminuir (to diminish)
