resonar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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resonar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Resonar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Resonar means to produce a sound that echoes or reverberates, and can also refer to ideas, thoughts, or feelings that affect someone deeply or continue in their mind. It is used in both oral and written contexts, though it may be more common in literary and poetic writing due to its figurative use.

The frequency of use can vary, but "resonar" tends to appear more in specialized contexts such as music, acoustics, or in a metaphorical sense when discussing thoughts or discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Las campanas del pueblo comenzaron a resonar a las doce en punto.
    The town's church bells began to resonate at twelve o'clock.

  2. Sus palabras resuenan en mi mente incluso después de tanto tiempo.
    His words resonate in my mind even after such a long time.

  3. La música comenzó a resonar en toda la sala, llenando el aire de alegría.
    The music began to resonate throughout the room, filling the air with joy.

Idiomatic Expressions

Resonar is frequently found in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some examples:

  1. Resonar como un eco
  2. El discurso del presidente resonó como un eco en las mentes de los ciudadanos.
    The president's speech resonated like an echo in the minds of the citizens.

  3. Resonar en el corazón

  4. Su historia resonó en el corazón de todos los presentes.
    His story resonated in the hearts of everyone present.

  5. No resuena con mis ideas

  6. Su propuesta no resuena con mis ideas sobre el futuro del proyecto.
    His proposal does not resonate with my ideas about the future of the project.

  7. Resonar con fuerza

  8. La protesta resonó con fuerza en el centro de la ciudad.
    The protest resonated powerfully in the city center.

  9. Resonar en la memoria

  10. Aquello resonará en la memoria colectiva de nuestra sociedad durante años.
    That will resonate in the collective memory of our society for years.


The word resonar comes from the Latin resonare, which means "to sound again" or "to echo." This Latin term is derived from the prefix re- meaning "back" or "again" and sonare, meaning "to sound."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Ecoar - Reverberar - Resonar (in a metaphorical sense)

Antonyms: - Silenciar - Callar

This comprehensive exploration of the word resonar provides insights into its usage, idioms, and etymological origins, demonstrating its relevance in the Spanish language.
