revestir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

revestir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "revestir" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

Phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet:

Translation Options

Meaning and Usage

"Revestir" is used in several contexts. In general terms, it means to cover or coat a surface with another material. In medical jargon, it can refer to the lining or covering of organs or tissues. In the polytechnical domain, it often relates to the process of applying one material over another for protective or functional purposes.

The word is commonly used both in written and oral contexts, especially in technical and formal writing. It is less frequently used in everyday casual conversation.

Example Sentences: 1. El médico explicó que es necesario revestir el órgano dañado para protegerlo.
The doctor explained that it is necessary to coat the damaged organ to protect it.

  1. Para la construcción, es importante revestir las paredes con un material aislante.
    For construction, it is important to cover the walls with an insulating material.

  2. Los diseñadores a menudo buscan revestir muebles con telas innovadoras.
    Designers often seek to cover furniture with innovative fabrics.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "revestir" is not as commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in certain contexts. Below are a few relevant sentences:

  1. Revestir un carácter amable en el trato con los clientes es esencial.
    To cloak a kind character in dealings with clients is essential.

  2. A veces, necesitamos revestir nuestras emociones para mantener la calma.
    Sometimes, we need to cover our emotions to maintain calm.

  3. Aunque la situación es difícil, es importante revestirla de optimismo.
    Although the situation is difficult, it is important to dress it in optimism.


The word "revestir" comes from the Latin verb "revestīre," which is formed by the prefix "re-" meaning "again" and "vestīre," meaning "to dress." Thus, the literal translation could mean "to dress again" or "to cover."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cubrir (to cover) - Forrar (to line) - Recubrir (to re-cover)

Antonyms: - Descubrir (to uncover) - Despojar (to strip)

This comprehensive overview of the word "revestir" highlights its versatility and significance across different domains.
