revolver caldos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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revolver caldos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "revolver caldos" consists of a verb and a noun.
- Revolver: Verb
- Caldos: Noun (plural of "caldo")

Phonetic Transcription

/reˈβol.βeɾ ˈkal.ðos/

Translation Options into English


Revolver caldos literally translates to "stir broths" or "mix soups." In a culinary context, it refers to the action of stirring a liquid dish crafted from meat, vegetables, or other ingredients that are simmered together, typically until all flavors are well combined.

Usage Frequency: The term is used moderately in both written and oral contexts, particularly in cooking discussions or recipes. It is more commonly found in written culinary instructions.

Example Sentences

  1. "Es importante revolver caldos para evitar que se peguen al fondo de la olla."
    "It is important to stir broths to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pot."

  2. "Si quieres un buen caldo, no olvides revolver caldos cada cierto tiempo."
    "If you want a good broth, don't forget to stir broths from time to time."

  3. "Ella aprendió a revolver caldos cuando era pequeña junto a su abuela."
    "She learned to stir broths when she was little with her grandmother."

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "revolver caldos" itself is not a commonly used idiomatic expression in Spanish, but the verb "revolver" can be used in various idiomatic contexts. Below are a few examples:

  1. "Revolver el avispero."
    "To stir up a hornet's nest." (to provoke trouble or create a situation that leads to conflict)

  2. "Revolver las tripas."
    "To stir the guts." (to evoke strong emotions, often related to fear or anxiety)

  3. "Revolver el pasado."
    "To stir up the past." (to bring back past memories or disputes)

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "No deberías revolver el avispero si no quieres problemas con tus vecinos."
    "You shouldn't stir up a hornet's nest if you don't want problems with your neighbors."

  2. "Ese tipo de comentarios solo revolver las tripas de las personas."
    "That kind of comments only stir the guts of people."

  3. "Al revivir esos recuerdos, solo logras revolver el pasado."
    "By reviving those memories, you only manage to stir up the past."


Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive analysis provides detailed information about the phrase "revolver caldos," its meanings, uses, and cultural significance in the Spanish language.
