rey de armas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

rey de armas (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ˈreɪ ðeɪ ˈar.mas/

Translation options


"Rey de armas" translates to "King of Arms" in English. In the context of heraldry, it refers to the officer in a royal or noble household responsible for heraldic matters, such as granting and displaying coats of arms. This term is more commonly used in written contexts, especially when discussing historical or ceremonial events.


  1. El rey de armas anunció la llegada de la nobleza al banquete.
    (The King of Arms announced the arrival of the nobility at the banquet.)
  2. Durante la ceremonia, el rey de armas mostró el escudo de la familia real.
    (During the ceremony, the King of Arms displayed the royal family's coat of arms.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Rey de armas" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions. However, in a heraldic or historical context, there are several related expressions:

  1. Dar el rey de armas: To grant or bestow a coat of arms.
  2. Hablar como un rey de armas: To speak with authority on a particular matter or subject.
  3. Ser el rey de armas: To be an expert in heraldry or related topics.


The term "rey de armas" comes from Middle Spanish, where "rey" means "king" and "armas" means "arms" or "coat of arms." It likely originated in the context of medieval courts and heraldry.

Synonyms and Antonyms