Ridiculizar is a verb in Spanish.
/ridiˈkuliθaɾ/ (in Spain)
/ridikuˈlizar/ (in Latin America)
Ridiculizar means to make someone or something appear foolish or to mock them in a way that diminishes their respectability. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, with a slight preference for written forms, where people discuss opinions, critiques, or analyses, especially in literature, social commentary, and media. The frequency of use varies but is significant concerning discussions of social issues and public figures.
La comedia ridiculiza a los personajes políticos actuales.
The comedy ridicules the current political figures.
No deberías ridiculizar las ideas de los demás.
You shouldn't ridicule the ideas of others.
El documental busca ridiculizar la falsa información en las redes sociales.
The documentary seeks to ridicule false information on social media.
While "ridiculizar" itself may not be part of many common idiomatic expressions, its usage in phrases and constructs can convey various meanings related to mockery and disdain. Here are some sentences that illustrate such uses:
No deberías ridiculizar a alguien por sus errores; todos tenemos fallas.
You shouldn't ridicule someone for their mistakes; we all have flaws.
Hacer bromas sobre el fracaso de otros a menudo solo sirve para ridiculizar a uno mismo.
Making jokes about others' failures often only serves to ridicule oneself.
En lugar de ridiculizar a sus oponentes, debería centrarse en sus propios logros.
Instead of ridiculing his opponents, he should focus on his own achievements.
Ridiculizar no es una forma efectiva de discutir un tema serio.
Ridiculing is not an effective way to discuss a serious topic.
La sátira a menudo se utiliza para ridiculizar comportamientos que la sociedad considera inaceptables.
Satire is often used to ridicule behaviors that society finds unacceptable.
The word ridiculizar comes from the Latin "ridiculum," which means "a joke" or "something to be laughed at." The verb has transformed in Spanish to denote the act of making something or someone the object of ridicule.
Synonyms: - Burlarse - Mocer - Despreciar
Antonyms: - Respetar - Valorar - Admirar