The word "riego" refers to the process of supplying water to land or crops in order to aid their growth. It is commonly used in agricultural contexts but can also apply to gardening and landscaping. In terms of frequency, "riego" is typically encountered in both written and oral discourse, but it tends to be more prevalent in written contexts, particularly in technical or academic writings relating to agriculture and environmental science.
Translation: Proper irrigation is essential for sustainable agriculture.
Durante el verano, el riego debe ajustarse según la cantidad de lluvia.
Translation: During the summer, irrigation should be adjusted according to the amount of rainfall.
La tecnología moderna ha mejorado los sistemas de riego en muchas granjas.
The word "riego" is often used in various idiomatic expressions related to water, irrigation, and growth, especially in agricultural contexts. Here are some examples:
Meaning: This expression refers to increasing efforts or resources to a project or goal, enhancing the chances of success.
Dar rienda suelta al riego.
Meaning: To allow a process to proceed without restrictions, often used in a context of creativity or expansion.
Riego y siembra, el secreto del buen agricultor.
Meaning: This phrase emphasizes the importance of proper planning and preparation in achieving success.
Sin riego, no hay cosecha.
Meaning: This highlights that certain efforts and resources are necessary to achieve any results or rewards.
El riego constante produce frutos abundantes.
The word "riego" originates from the Latin term "irrigare," which means "to water" or "to moisten." This Latin root reflects the core meaning of providing water, which has remained consistent through the evolution of the term.
Synonyms: - Regar (to water) - Abastecimiento (supply)
Antonyms: - Secar (to dry) - Drenaje (drainage)