rinoplastia india - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

rinoplastia india (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:

Phonetic Transcription:



"Rinoplastia India" refers to a medical procedure related to plastic surgery, specifically the surgical alteration of the nose, performed in India. This term is used in the Spanish language to describe the specific procedure of rhinoplasty conducted in India. It is a combination of "rinoplastia" (rhinoplasty) and "India" (India).

This term is used primarily in written contexts, particularly in medical texts, websites, and discussions related to plastic surgery procedures.

Example Sentences:

  1. La rinoplastia India es conocida por sus especialistas altamente cualificados.
    English: Rhinoplasty in India is known for its highly skilled specialists.

  2. Muchos pacientes eligen la rinoplastia India por sus avanzadas técnicas quirúrgicas. English: Many patients choose rhinoplasty in India for its advanced surgical techniques.

Idiomatic Expressions:

In the medical field and plastic surgery context, the term “rinoplastia” is typically not used as part of idiomatic expressions. However, if we consider “India” as a separate term, here are some idiomatic expressions with “India”:

  1. Estar en la India: To be in a difficult or complicated situation.
    English: To be in a complex situation.

  2. Hacer la India: To play dumb, to act as if one doesn't know something.
    English: To play dumb.

  3. Ser una India: To be a sly or cunning person.
    English: To be a sly person.

  4. Tener más vueltas que la India: To have a devious or complicated plan.
    English: To have a devious plan.


The term "rinoplastia" comes from the Greek words "rhinos" (nose) and "plastikos" (to shape). The word "India" refers to the country of India.

