The word "rival" functions as both a noun and an adjective in Spanish.
In Spanish, "rival" refers to someone who competes against another, usually in a contest, game, or field of work. It can describe a person or entity that poses opposition or competition to someone else. The term is frequently used in both spoken and written Spanish, especially in contexts related to sports, business competition, and personal relations.
The word is quite common and can be found in various contexts where competition or opposition is discussed.
La carrera entre los dos atletas fue muy emocionante porque siempre han sido rivales.
The race between the two athletes was very exciting because they have always been rivals.
En el mundo de los negocios, cada compañía tiene su propio rival.
In the business world, each company has its own rival.
El equipo de fútbol local se está preparando para enfrentar a su mayor rival.
The local football team is preparing to face its biggest rival.
While "rival" itself is less commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in phrases that relate to competition, such as:
“Ser el rival a vencer”
To be the rival to beat.
En el torneo, ella es considerada el rival a vencer debido a sus habilidades excepcionales.
In the tournament, she is considered the rival to beat due to her exceptional skills.
“Rival de toda la vida”
Lifelong rival.
Desde la escuela, han sido rivales de toda la vida en el deporte.
Since school, they have been lifelong rivals in sports.
“Rivalidad sana”
Healthy rivalry.
La rivalidad sana puede motivar a ambos jugadores a mejorar su desempeño.
Healthy rivalry can motivate both players to enhance their performance.
The word "rival" comes from the Latin term "rivalis," meaning "one who shares a brook or stream," derived from "rivus," meaning "stream." This reflects a deeper meaning of competition, suggesting rivalry over shared resources.
Synonyms: - Competidor (competitor) - Oponente (opponent) - Adversario (adversary) - Contendiente (contender)
Antonyms: - Aliado (ally) - Amigo (friend) - Compañero (partner)