The term "roca incoherente" refers to a type of rock formation that is characterized by its lack of consistency or coherence. In geology, it describes rocks that have not undergone significant deformation and are in their original, unaltered state.
This term is more commonly used in written contexts, such as scientific publications or geological reports, rather than in everyday oral speech.
Example Sentences
La presencia de rocas incoherentes dificulta la construcción de la carretera.
The presence of incoherent rocks makes it difficult to build the road.
Los geólogos estudiaron las rocas incoherentes en busca de indicios sobre la formación del terreno.
The geologists studied the incoherent rocks in search of clues about the formation of the terrain.
Idiomatic Expressions
1. Hablar sin ton ni son
Meaning: To talk incoherently or nonsensically.
Ejemplo: No le hagas caso, siempre está hablando sin ton ni son.
Don't pay attention to him, he's always talking incoherently.
2. Caer en saco roto
Meaning: When something is said or done with no effect or impact.
Ejemplo: Le pedí disculpas, pero cayeron en saco roto.
I apologized, but it had no effect.
3. No hay quien le entienda
Meaning: When someone is speaking incoherently or is impossible to understand.
Ejemplo: Cuando se enoja, no hay quien le entienda.
When he gets mad, it's impossible to understand him.
The word "roca" comes from the Latin "rocca" which means "rock." "Incoherente" comes from the Latin "incohærens," which is comprised of "in-" (not) and "coherentis" (coherent).