rodocera - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

rodocera (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:


Phonetic Transcription:


Translation Options:


"Rodocera" is not a common word in everyday Spanish language usage. Upon research, "rodocera" seems to be a term related to a specific type of insect or a scientific term that might not have a widely recognized meaning in general Spanish language discourse. Its use is likely more prevalent in specialized fields or academic contexts rather than in everyday oral or written communication.

Example Sentences:

  1. Las rodoceras son especies de insectos muy interesantes. (Rodoceras are very interesting insect species.)

  2. Se ha descubierto una nueva especie de rodocera en la selva tropical. (A new species of rodocera has been discovered in the rainforest.)

Idiomatic Expressions:

As "rodocera" appears to be a specialized term without widely known idiomatic expressions, there are no common phrases or expressions that contain this word.


The etymology of "rodocera" is not readily available. Due to its potentially scientific or technical nature, it could derive from Latin or Greek roots, common in scientific nomenclature.

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Given the specificity of the term "rodocera," it may not have direct synonyms or antonyms in general language usage. In the context of entomology or scientific study, related terms could include specific types of insects or scientific classifications.

Overall, "rodocera" seems to be a highly specialized term used in particular scientific or academic fields, with limited presence in everyday Spanish communication.