romper la tregua - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

romper la tregua (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:

The user input "romper la tregua" is a verb phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription:

/rom'per la 'tɾe.ɣwa/

Usage in Spanish:

"Romper la tregua" translates to "break the truce" in English. This phrase is commonly used in both written and oral Spanish. It is not an everyday expression, but it is frequently used in specific contexts, such as discussing conflicts, negotiations, or peace agreements.

Example Sentences:

  1. Los dos bandos decidieron romper la tregua y reanudar las hostilidades.
  2. Both sides decided to break the truce and resume hostilities.

  3. Fue un acto irresponsable romper la tregua que habían acordado.

  4. It was an irresponsible act to break the truce they had agreed upon.

Idiomatic Expressions:

"Romper la tregua" is not part of a common idiomatic expression in Spanish, but it is an essential phrase when discussing breaches of peace agreements or truces. However, here are a few idiomatic expressions using the word "romper" with different meanings:

  1. Romper el hielo:
  2. Translation: Break the ice.
  3. Example: Juan siempre sabe cómo romper el hielo en las reuniones.

    • Translation: Juan always knows how to break the ice at meetings.
  4. Romper el corazón:

  5. Translation: Break someone's heart.
  6. Example: Su partida repentina rompió el corazón de todos en la familia.
    • Translation: His sudden departure broke everyone's heart in the family.


Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: Quebrantar la tregua, incumplir la tregua, violar la tregua. Antonyms: Mantener la tregua, respetar la tregua, cumplir la tregua.