s - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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s (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The letter "s" is a variable part of speech depending on context, but on its own, it is commonly recognized as a consonant in the Spanish alphabet.

Phonetic Transcription

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcription for the letter "s" is /es/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The letter "s" in Spanish is used as a consonant in various words and contributes phonemically to the structure of syllables. It is the 19th letter of the Spanish alphabet and is pronounced as /s/ in most contexts.

Frequency of Use

The frequency of use for "s" is very high, as it appears in many common Spanish words and plays a significant role in the morphology of the language. It is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. La letra "s" es importante en la ortografía del español.
  2. The letter "s" is important in Spanish spelling.

  3. Hay muchas palabras que comienzan con "s" en el diccionario.

  4. There are many words that start with "s" in the dictionary.

  5. En el alfabeto español, "s" viene después de "r".

  6. In the Spanish alphabet, "s" comes after "r".

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "s" itself does not have idiomatic expressions, its sound and usage appear in various idiomatic phrases involving words that contain "s." Here are some related expressions:

  1. A grandes rasgos
  2. Translation: In broad strokes
  3. Example: A grandes rasgos, el proyecto es viable.
  4. Translation: In broad strokes, the project is viable.

  5. Ser pan comido

  6. Translation: To be a piece of cake
  7. Example: El examen fue pan comido.
  8. Translation: The exam was a piece of cake.

  9. Estar en las nubes

  10. Translation: To be daydreaming
  11. Example: Durante la clase, Juan estaba en las nubes.
  12. Translation: During class, Juan was daydreaming.

  13. Sacar el viento

  14. Translation: To let it out
  15. Example: A veces, es bueno sacar el viento y hablar sobre los problemas.
  16. Translation: Sometimes, it's good to let it out and talk about problems.


The letter "s" comes from the Latin alphabet, which was derived from the Etruscan letters, and ultimately traces its origins back to Phoenician scripts. In Latin, "s" represented an unvoiced sibilant sound.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Since "s" is a letter and not a word with specific meanings or contexts, it does not have synonyms or antonyms. However, in phonetic transformations:

In summary, while "s" is a simple letter, it plays a vital role in the Spanish language, appearing in countless words and contributing significantly to both written and spoken forms.
