sable - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sable (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word sable is primarily a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Sable (as in the animal)
  2. Sable (as in the color black in heraldry)
  3. Sable (a kind of weapon, a sword, in military context)

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, sable can refer to several distinct meanings:

  1. Sable (animal): Refers to a small mammal that is valued for its luxurious fur, primarily found in Siberia. It symbolizes elegance and rarity.
  2. Sable (color): In heraldry, "sable" signifies the color black and is used in coats of arms.
  3. Sable (military): It can also refer to a type of curved sword or saber.

The word sable is moderately used in both oral and written contexts, although it is more commonly encountered in specific fields such as heraldry or discussions concerning animals and weapons.

Example Sentences

  1. El sable es un símbolo de nobleza en la heráldica. The sable is a symbol of nobility in heraldry.

  2. El sable de la marta es muy apreciado por su pelaje. The sable fur is highly valued for its coat.

  3. El oficial blandió su sable durante el desfile militar. The officer wielded his saber during the military parade.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term sable is not frequently found in idiomatic expressions, but it can appear in specific contexts:

  1. “Como pez en el sable.”
  2. Literal: "Like a fish in the sable."
  3. Meaning: To be in a comfortable position or situation.
  4. Example: En su nuevo trabajo, se siente como pez en el sable. In his new job, he feels like a fish in water.

  5. “A buen sable.”

  6. Literal: "To a good sable."
  7. Meaning: To treat someone or something well.
  8. Example: Si haces bien tu trabajo, estarás a buen sable en la empresa. If you do your job well, you will be treated well in the company.


The word sable originates from French "sabile," which itself comes from the Latin "sabellius," relating to the animal. Its use in heraldry to denote the color black is a later development derived from these earlier meanings.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive exploration outlines the different facets and usages of the word sable in the Spanish language across various contexts.
