sacapuntas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sacapuntas (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Sacapuntas" refers to a device used to sharpen the ends of pencils. In Spanish, it is commonly used in educational contexts, particularly in schools and among students. The word is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts, especially in discussions related to school supplies or stationery.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesito un sacapuntas porque mi lápiz está desafilado.
  2. I need a pencil sharpener because my pencil is dull.

  3. Siempre llevo un sacapuntas en mi estuche de escuela.

  4. I always carry a pencil sharpener in my school pencil case.

  5. El sacapuntas nuevo que compré tiene un diseño muy moderno.

  6. The new pencil sharpener I bought has a very modern design.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sacapuntas" is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, there are a few informal sayings and references that can sometimes include the term metaphorically or contextually:

  1. No ser más que un sacapuntas
  2. To be nothing more than a pencil sharpener.
  3. Translation: To be of little importance or to serve a basic function without any special qualities.

  4. Sacar punta a un tema

  5. To sharpen a topic.
  6. Translation: To delve into a topic more deeply, to examine it closely.

  7. Ponerse a punto como un sacapuntas

  8. To get in shape like a pencil sharpener.
  9. Translation: To get ready or prepare oneself meticulously for a task.


The word "sacapuntas" is a compound noun formed from "saca," the third person singular of the verb "sacar" (to take out or remove), and "puntas," which is the plural of "punta" (tip or point). Literally translated, it means "to take off the points," referring to the function of the device.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Overall, "sacapuntas" is a straightforward term with a clear meaning and usage, commonly understood in both spoken and written forms across Spanish-speaking contexts.
