sacar partido - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sacar partido (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "sacar partido" is a verb phrase comprised of two verbs: "sacar" (to take out) and "partido" (part, game). The core function in this context relies on "sacar."

Phonetic Transcription

/sakaɾ paɾˈtiðo/

Translation Options into English

  1. Make the most of
  2. Take advantage of
  3. Get something out of

Meaning and Usage

The phrase "sacar partido" is used to express the idea of making the best use of a situation or resource, often implying gaining benefits or advantages from something. It is commonly found in conversational Spanish but also appears in written form, making its usage fairly versatile. The phrase is frequently used in both oral and written contexts.

Example Sentences

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "sacar partido" is featured in various idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples:


"Sacar" comes from the Latin "sacare," meaning to take out or remove. "Partido" originates from the Latin "partitum," which refers to a part, division, or segment. Together, the phrase evolved into its current meaning of extracting value or benefit from a situation.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Aprovechar (to take advantage) - Explotar (to exploit in a positive sense)

Antonyms: - Desperdiciar (to waste) - Ignorar (to ignore)

This comprehensive overview encapsulates both the language and contextual significance of the phrase "sacar partido" in Spanish.
