sacerdote - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sacerdote (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word sacerdote is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word sacerdote refers to an individual who performs religious duties, typically in a context associated with a specific faith, most commonly in Christianity but also used in other religious traditions. In the Spanish language, it denotes someone who is authorized to conduct sacred rites and administer sacraments.

In terms of usage frequency, "sacerdote" is more common in written contexts such as religious texts or discussions, but it can also be encountered in oral conversations, especially when discussing religious topics.

Example Sentences

  1. El sacerdote ofreció una misa en la iglesia del pueblo.
    The priest offered a mass at the village church.

  2. En la ceremonia, el sacerdote bendijo a los recién casados.
    During the ceremony, the priest blessed the newlyweds.

  3. El sacerdote dedicó un tiempo a escuchar las confesiones de los feligreses.
    The priest spent time listening to the confessions of the parishioners.

Idiomatic Expressions

While sacerdote may not feature prominently in unique idiomatic expressions, it's important to note its role in religious contexts where the concepts associated with priests are significant.

Here are a few examples related to expressions or contexts involving sacerdote:

  1. "La voz del sacerdote es la voz de Dios."
    The voice of the priest is the voice of God.

  2. "Sacerdote, confesor y guía espiritual."
    Priest, confessor, and spiritual guide.

  3. "El sacerdote de la comunidad es muy respetado."
    The priest of the community is very respected.

  4. "En tiempos difíciles, muchos buscan al sacerdote para encontrar consuelo."
    In difficult times, many seek the priest to find comfort.


The word sacerdote comes from the Latin word "sacerdos," which means "priest" or "sacred." Its roots relate to the functions and duties of individuals serving in religious capacities, emphasizing the role of intermediaries between the divine and the followers of a faith.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of sacerdote highlights its significance in religious contexts, usage, and linguistic nuances within the Spanish language.
