sacudirse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sacudirse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Sacudirse is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Sacudirse generally means to shake off or to shake oneself. It can refer to physically shaking off something, like dust or water, as well as metaphorically, such as shaking off worries or bad feelings. This verb is relatively common in both oral and written communication, although you may find it used more frequently in informal, spoken contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Me sacudí el polvo de los pantalones antes de entrar a la casa.
    (I shook off the dust from my pants before entering the house.)

  2. Es importante sacudirse los miedos para avanzar.
    (It is important to shake off fears in order to move forward.)

  3. Después de la lluvia, me sacudí el agua del cabello.
    (After the rain, I shook the water off my hair.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Sacudirse is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, typically to convey the idea of overcoming or getting rid of something undesirable.

  1. Sacudirse los problemas
    (To shake off problems)
  2. Es difícil sacudirse los problemas, pero es necesario seguir adelante.
    (It's hard to shake off problems, but it's necessary to move forward.)

  3. Sacudirse el estrés
    (To shake off stress)

  4. A veces, necesitas un buen ejercicio para sacudirte el estrés de la semana.
    (Sometimes, you need a good workout to shake off the stress of the week.)

  5. Sacudirse la negatividad
    (To shake off negativity)

  6. Es hora de sacudirse la negatividad y pensar positivamente.
    (It's time to shake off negativity and think positively.)

  7. Sacudirse del pasado
    (To shake off the past)

  8. Ella trata de sacudirse del pasado para vivir en el presente.
    (She tries to shake off the past to live in the present.)


The verb sacudirse comes from the Spanish verb sacudir, which itself is derived from the Latin saccutari, meaning "to shake" or "to jolt". The reflexive form, sacudirse, suggests an action that the subject does to themselves.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Deshacerse (to get rid of) - Sacudir (to shake) - Remover (to remove)

Antonyms: - Aceptar (to accept) - Aferrarse (to cling) - Mantener (to maintain)
