sagacidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sagacidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Sagacidad is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/sa.ɣa.θi.ˈðað/ (in Spain)
/sa.ɡˈðad/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Sagacidad refers to the quality of being sagacious, which means having keen mental discernment and good judgment. It denotes a sharpness of mind that allows an individual to understand complex situations and make wise decisions. The term is relatively formal and is often used in written contexts rather than everyday conversation. However, it can also be used in oral speech to describe someone's astute nature or insights.

The frequency of use can vary, but it is more common in literary, philosophical, or academic texts.

Example Sentences

  1. La sagacidad del anciano le permitió resolver los conflictos de la comunidad.
    The sagacity of the elder allowed him to resolve the conflicts of the community.

  2. No confundas la sagacidad con la simple astucia; son cualidades diferentes.
    Do not confuse sagacity with mere cunning; they are different qualities.

  3. Su sagacidad en los negocios le ha traído mucho éxito.
    His sagacity in business has brought him great success.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sagacidad" itself is not commonly part of many specific idiomatic expressions, it does feature in contexts that emphasize wisdom and discernment. Below are some expressions and sentences where the concept of sagacity is implied:

  1. Con sabiduría y sagacidad, se puede navegar por aguas turbulentas.
    With wisdom and sagacity, one can navigate through turbulent waters.

  2. La verdadera sagacidad no se encuentra en la rapidez de respuesta, sino en la profundidad del análisis.
    True sagacity is not found in the speed of response, but in the depth of analysis.

  3. A veces, la sagacidad requiere esperar el momento adecuado para actuar.
    Sometimes, sagacity requires waiting for the right moment to act.

  4. La gente sabia siempre se guía por la sagacidad y la reflexión.
    Wise people always follow sagacity and reflection.

  5. Su sagacidad brilla en cada decisión que toma.
    Her sagacity shines in every decision she makes.


The word sagacidad comes from the Latin "sagacitas," which itself is derived from "sagax," meaning "keen" or "wise." The evolution of the term reflects its connection to sharp intellect and astute judgment in various contexts throughout the ages.



This information delves into the multifaceted concept of sagacidad, exploring its meanings, usage, and cultural significance in the Spanish language.
