sagital - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sagital (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "sagital" refers to a plane that divides the body into left and right sections. This term is commonly used in anatomy and medical contexts to describe positions, cuts, or planes of the body. The term has a moderate frequency of use, particularly in written texts related to biology, physiology, and medicine. It may appear less frequently in everyday spoken language, but it is essential in specialized discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La sección sagital del cerebro permite observar sus dos hemisferios.
  2. The sagittal section of the brain allows us to see its two hemispheres.

  3. Los médicos utilizan imágenes sagitales para diagnosticar problemas en la columna vertebral.

  4. Doctors use sagittal images to diagnose problems in the spine.

  5. En anatomía, el plano sagital es fundamental para entender la simetría del cuerpo.

  6. In anatomy, the sagittal plane is crucial for understanding the symmetry of the body.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "sagital" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions. It is mostly used in technical contexts. However, here are related anatomically inspired phrases:

  1. El corte sagital revela información crucial sobre la estructura interna del corazón.
  2. The sagittal cut reveals crucial information about the internal structure of the heart.

  3. A través de un análisis sagital, los estudiantes pueden aprender sobre la disposición de los órganos.

  4. Through a sagittal analysis, students can learn about the arrangement of organs.

  5. La imagen sagital permite a los cirujanos planificar mejor el procedimiento quirúrgico.

  6. The sagittal image allows surgeons to better plan the surgical procedure.


The term "sagital" originates from the Latin word "sagitta," which means "arrow." This is because the sagittal plane typically runs vertically from front to back, resembling an arrow's path along the body.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "sagital" is an anatomical adjective used primarily in medical and biological contexts to indicate a specific plane of division in the body. While not common in idiomatic expressions, it forms crucial components of technical discussions surrounding anatomy and physiology.
