sainete - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sainete (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Sainete is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, sainete refers to a short, comic play, typically filled with farcical situations. It is used to entertain audiences, often depicting characters and scenes from everyday life in a humorous manner. Sainetes are considered an important part of Spanish theatre, particularly in the 19th century, and were popular in the context of traditional folk performances.

The frequency of use of the term sainete can be regarded as moderate; it is recognized more in specific literary and theatrical discussions than in everyday conversation. While it appears in both oral and written forms, it is more commonly encountered in written contexts, especially in theatre and literature critiques.

Example Sentences

  1. El sainete que vimos anoche fue muy divertido y lleno de situaciones cómicas.
    The farce we saw last night was very funny and full of comedic situations.

  2. Los personajes del sainete eran exagerados, lo que realzaba la comedia de la obra.
    The characters in the farce were exaggerated, which enhanced the comedy of the play.

  3. Los sainetes son una parte esencial de la cultura teatral española del siglo XIX.
    Sainetes are an essential part of 19th-century Spanish theatrical culture.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term sainete does not frequently appear in idiomatic expressions. However, the concept of farce and exaggeration may find relevance in various contexts.

Example Sentences with Related Expressions

  1. "Hacer un sainete de la situación no ayuda a resolver el problema."
    Making a farce of the situation does not help to solve the problem.

  2. "La reunión se convirtió en un sainete cuando empezaron a discutir sin razón."
    The meeting turned into a farce when they started arguing for no reason.

  3. "Las elecciones se parecieron a un sainete, con todos los candidatos intentando llamar la atención."
    The elections resembled a farce, with all the candidates trying to grab attention.


The word sainete comes from the Spanish language, which itself is borrowed from the term "sainete", which can be traced further back to the Catalan and ultimately Latin roots. It was initially used in the context of short theatrical pieces in Spanish folklore and traditional performances.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Farce - Comedia (comedy) - Burlas (jest)

Antonyms: - Tragedia (tragedy) - Drama (drama) - Seriedad (seriousness)
