salarial - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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salarial (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "salarial" refers to anything related to salaries or wages in the context of employment and economics. It is often used in discussions about compensation, wage levels, salary structures, and labor regulations.

Frequency of Use

"Salarial" is a relatively common term used both in oral speech and in written contexts, especially in discussions of labor law, human resources, and economic reports. However, its use is more prevalent in formal and academic writing.

Example Sentences

  1. La reforma salarial propuesta por el gobierno busca aumentar los sueldos mínimos.
  2. The salary reform proposed by the government aims to raise minimum wages.

  3. La negociación salarial entre los sindicatos y la empresa fue tensa.

  4. The salary negotiation between the unions and the company was tense.

  5. La investigación se centró en los factores que afectan el crecimiento salarial.

  6. The research focused on the factors affecting salary growth.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "salarial" itself is not typically found within idiomatic expressions, it commonly appears in phrases relevant to salary discussions. Here are some examples:

  1. "Aumento salarial": El aumento salarial que recibieron los empleados fue bien recibido.
  2. The salary increase that the employees received was well received.

  3. "Discusión salarial": La discusión salarial se ralentizó debido a las demandas de los trabajadores.

  4. The salary discussion stalled due to the workers' demands.

  5. "Política salarial": La política salarial de la empresa establece criterios claros para el aumento de sueldos.

  6. The company's salary policy sets clear criteria for salary increases.

  7. "Rango salarial": Los candidatos deben estar informados sobre el rango salarial para la posición.

  8. Candidates should be informed about the salary range for the position.

  9. "Estructura salarial": La nueva estructura salarial contempla diferentes niveles de experiencia.

  10. The new salary structure takes into account different levels of experience.


The term "salarial" is derived from the noun "sueldo" (salary) in Spanish, with the suffix "-ial", which is used to form adjectives meaning "pertaining to." The root "salario" comes from the Latin word "salarium," which referred to the money given to Roman soldiers to buy salt, an essential commodity at the time.



This comprehensive overview should provide a strong understanding of the term "salarial" as used in economic contexts in Spanish.
