saldar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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saldar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "saldar" is commonly used in Spanish to refer to the act of settling a debt or obligation. It can also mean to close out an account or to bring a situation to a conclusion. The term is frequently employed in both oral and written contexts, particularly in financial and legal discussions, but is more often seen in written form among formal documents and reports.

Example Sentences

  1. "Es importante saldar las deudas antes de finalizar el año."
    "It is important to settle debts before the end of the year."

  2. "La empresa decidió saldar todos sus compromisos financieros."
    "The company decided to pay off all its financial commitments."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Saldar" is often part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish that deal with finance, obligations, or closing matters:

  1. "Saldar cuentas"
    Meaning: To settle accounts.
    Example: "Necesitamos saldar cuentas antes de que termine el mes."
    "We need to settle accounts before the month ends."

  2. "Saldar una deuda"
    Meaning: To pay off a debt.
    Example: "Logré saldar una deuda que tenía desde hace años."
    "I managed to pay off a debt I had for years."

  3. "Saldar un compromiso"
    Meaning: To fulfill a commitment.
    Example: "Debemos saldar un compromiso con nuestros clientes."
    "We must fulfill a commitment to our clients."


The word "saldar" comes from the Latin verb "saldāre," which means "to settle" or "to balance." Over time, it evolved in the Spanish language to take on a more specific meaning associated with finance and obligations.

Synonyms and Antonyms

"Saldar" plays a significant role in the financial and legal arenas, making it a key term in economic discussions and transactions.
