saldo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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saldo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Saldo is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word saldo can be translated into English as: - Balance - Remaining amount - Difference

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, saldo refers to the remaining amount after a financial transaction, or in general usage, it denotes the balance of an account or financial statement. It is a term frequently encountered in banking, accounting, and finance contexts. The word is used quite often in both oral speech and written contexts, but it may be more common in formal written language, especially in financial reports and statements.

Example sentences: 1. El saldo de mi cuenta bancaria es de mil dólares. - The balance of my bank account is one thousand dollars.

  1. Asegúrate de que el saldo sea positivo antes de realizar una compra.
  2. Make sure the balance is positive before making a purchase.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word saldo is part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, emphasizing its importance in financial discussions.

  1. Saldar cuentas: to settle debts or accounts.
  2. Es hora de saldar cuentas con el banco.
  3. It’s time to settle accounts with the bank.

  4. Dejar un saldo: to leave a balance.

  5. La empresa dejó un saldo positivo al cierre del año.
  6. The company left a positive balance at the end of the year.

  7. Saldar una deuda: to pay off a debt.

  8. Espero saldar la deuda antes de fin de mes.
  9. I hope to pay off the debt before the end of the month.

  10. Cuentas saldadas: accounts settled or cleared.

  11. Después de liquidar todo, tenemos cuentas saldadas.
  12. After settling everything, we have cleared accounts.


The term saldo originates from the Latin word saltare, which means "to jump". In financial terminology, it represents the jump or difference in account balances after transactions.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Balance - Total - Estado (status)

Antonyms: - Deuda (debt) - Déficit (deficit) - Pérdida (loss)
