salir de madre - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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salir de madre (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "salir de madre" functions as a verb phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is:
/saliɾ ðe ˈmaðɾe/

Translation Options into English

  1. To go out of control
  2. To get out of hand

Meaning and Usage

"Salir de madre" is an idiomatic expression in Spanish that signifies a situation or event that has exceeded its limits, becoming unmanageable or chaotic. The phrase is commonly used in informal contexts, particularly in spoken language, to describe scenarios that have escalated beyond what was expected or intended. It may refer to stressful situations, parties that have become overwhelming, or arguments that have intensified beyond reasonable discussion.

Example Sentences

  1. La fiesta empezó bien, pero salió de madre cuando llegaron más invitados.
    The party started well, but it got out of hand when more guests arrived.

  2. Las discusiones sobre el proyecto salieron de madre y no logramos llegar a un acuerdo.
    The discussions about the project got out of hand, and we couldn't reach an agreement.

  3. La situación económica del país ha salido de madre en los últimos años.
    The economic situation of the country has gone out of control in recent years.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "salir de madre" is often used in various idiomatic expressions that draw upon its core meaning. Here are some relevant expressions:

  1. Salir de madre en una discusión
    To get out of hand in a discussion.
    La discusión política salió de madre cuando empezaron a gritarse.
    The political discussion got out of hand when they started shouting at each other.

  2. No dejar que salga de madre
    Not to let it get out of hand.
    Debemos actuar rápido para que la situación no salga de madre.
    We need to act quickly so that the situation doesn't get out of hand.

  3. Cuando las cosas salen de madre
    When things get out of hand.
    Es importante tener un plan de contingencia para cuando las cosas salgan de madre.
    It's important to have a contingency plan for when things get out of hand.

  4. Salir de madre en una fiesta
    To get out of hand at a party.
    La fiesta salió de madre y tuvimos que llamar a la policía.
    The party got out of hand, and we had to call the police.


The phrase "salir de madre" can be broken down into its components: - "salir" means "to leave" or "to go out." - "de" means "of." - "madre" translates to "mother," but in this context, it signifies the figurative sense of a source or origin, suggesting a departure from the norm or baseline that a mother represents.

The phrase has evolved colloquially to signify that something has strayed too far from its intended course, similar to the way a child might stray too far from the care of a mother.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Salirse de control (to go out of control) - Escalar (to escalate) - Desbordarse (to overflow)

Antonyms: - Controlar (to control) - Regular (to regulate) - Mantener (to maintain)
