sallar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sallar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Sallar means to add salt to food for seasoning. It is a verb commonly used in Spanish when referring to the action of salting dishes before or during cooking. This term is used in both oral speech and written context, especially in recipes and culinary discussions.


  1. Añade una pizca de sal y salla la carne antes de cocinarla.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and season the meat before cooking it.

  3. Es importante sallar bien las verduras para realzar su sabor.

  4. It is important to salt the vegetables well to enhance their flavor.

Idiomatic Expressions

Here are some idiomatic expressions using the word sallar:

  1. Estar en salmuera: to be in trouble or going through a difficult situation.
  2. ¿Qué te pasa? Pareces estar en salmuera.

    • What's wrong with you? You seem to be in trouble.
  3. Ser la sal de la vida: to be essential or vital.

  4. Para ella, el café es la sal de la vida.

    • For her, coffee is essential.
  5. Echar sal a la herida: to make a bad situation worse.

  6. No eches más sal a la herida, ya sabemos que cometió un error.
    • Don't rub it in, we know he made a mistake.


The word sallar comes from the Latin term "salāre," which means 'to salt.'

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Sazonar: to season - Salpimentar: to add salt and pepper

Antonyms: - Dessallar: to desalt - Desazonar: to unseason