salpimentar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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salpimentar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Salpimentar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Salpimentar is a common verb in Spanish used primarily in culinary contexts. It refers to the action of adding salt and pepper (or other spices) to food for flavor enhancement. This verb is often associated with cooking or preparing dishes, making it a frequent term in both oral and written contexts, with a slight preference for written recipes and cooking instructions.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a salpimentar la carne antes de cocinarla.
  2. I am going to season the meat before cooking it.

  3. Es importante salpimentar bien la ensalada para realzar su sabor.

  4. It is important to season the salad well to enhance its flavor.

  5. Ella siempre salpimenta las pastas con mucho ajo y aceite.

  6. She always seasons the pasta with a lot of garlic and oil.

Idiomatic Expressions

Though "salpimentar" is not widely used in idiomatic expressions, it contributes to the culinary vocabulary in various phrases. Here are some related expressions:

  1. Salpimentar la vida
  2. Translation: To spice up life.
  3. Usage: Se necesita a veces salpimentar la vida con nuevas experiencias.
  4. Translation: Sometimes, we need to spice up life with new experiences.

  5. Salpimentar las relaciones

  6. Translation: To add flavor to relationships.
  7. Usage: Es bueno salpimentar las relaciones con pequeñas sorpresas.
  8. Translation: It is good to add flavor to relationships with small surprises.

  9. Sin sal ni pimienta

  10. Translation: Without salt or pepper.
  11. Usage: Su discurso fue tan aburrido que parecía estar sin sal ni pimienta.
  12. Translation: His speech was so boring it seemed to be without salt or pepper.


The word "salpimentar" is derived from two Spanish words: "sal" meaning "salt," and "pimienta" meaning "pepper." This formation illustrates the action of combining these two fundamental seasoning elements in cooking.

Synonyms and Antonyms
