salto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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salto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "salto" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Jump
  2. Leap
  3. Bounce
  4. Hurdle

Meaning and Usage

"Salto" refers to the act of jumping or leaping and is commonly used to denote both physical jumps in sports and other contexts involving elevation above ground. The frequency of use is moderate to high, with "salto" being more commonly heard in oral communication, especially in contexts related to sports, gymnastics, and acrobatics.

Example Sentences

  1. El atleta hizo un salto impresionante en la competencia.
    (The athlete made an impressive jump in the competition.)

  2. Al ver el precipicio, dio un salto de miedo.
    (Seeing the cliff, he made a jump out of fear.)

  3. Durante la gimnasia, el salto es una parte fundamental de la rutina.
    (During gymnastics, the jump is a fundamental part of the routine.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Salto" is often featured in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, emphasizing different meanings and contexts.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Dar un salto a la vida
    (To jump into life)
  2. Ella decidió dar un salto a la vida y mudarse a otra ciudad.
    (She decided to jump into life and move to another city.)

  3. Salto mortal
    (Mortal jump)

  4. El acróbata realizó un salto mortal en el espectáculo.
    (The acrobat performed a mortal jump in the show.)

  5. Salto cualitativo
    (Qualitative leap)

  6. La empresa dio un salto cualitativo al lanzar su nuevo producto.
    (The company made a qualitative leap by launching its new product.)

  7. Salto de fe
    (Leap of faith)

  8. Necesitas dar un salto de fe y seguir tu pasión.
    (You need to take a leap of faith and follow your passion.)

  9. No dar un salto a la torera
    (Not to jump thoughtlessly)

  10. No debes dar un salto a la torera en esta situación; hay que pensar bien.
    (You shouldn’t jump thoughtlessly in this situation; you need to think carefully.)


The word "salto" comes from the Latin "saltus", which means "a leap or jump". It has retained this meaning through history, evolving in various forms in the Romance languages.

Synonyms and Antonyms


