salvo que - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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salvo que (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Salvo que" is a conjunction in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/sal.βo ˈke/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Salvo que" is used in Spanish to introduce a condition or an exception in a sentence. It is commonly used to indicate that something is valid or true except under a specified circumstance. The expression is relatively formal and is more often found in written language, although it can also be used in oral communication, particularly in formal settings or discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Salvo que se informe lo contrario, la reunión se llevará a cabo el viernes.
    Unless otherwise informed, the meeting will take place on Friday.

  2. Salvo que haya un cambio en las leyes, no podemos modificar el documento.
    Except that there is a change in the laws, we cannot modify the document.

Idiomatic Expressions Using "Salvo Que"

While "salvo que" itself is not commonly part of idiomatic expressions, it can be a crucial component in conditional phrases.

  1. No puedo ir a la fiesta, salvo que me invite el anfitrión.
    I cannot go to the party, unless the host invites me.

  2. El informe será válido, salvo que haya nuevos datos que lo contradigan.
    The report will be valid, unless there are new data that contradict it.

  3. Todos están de acuerdo, salvo que Juan tenga otra opinión.
    Everyone agrees, unless Juan has another opinion.

  4. La oferta es válida, salvo que se realice la compra antes del fin de semana.
    The offer is valid, unless the purchase is made before the weekend.

  5. Puedes salir, salvo que termine mis tareas antes.
    You can go out, unless I finish my chores first.


The phrase "salvo que" is derived from the Latin word "salvus," which means "safe" or "unharmed," combined with "que," which translates to "that." The phrase conveys the idea of an exception that maintains safety from a particular condition or rule.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - A menos que (unless) - Excepto que (except that)

Antonyms: - A menos que no (unless not, negating the condition) - En caso contrario (otherwise)

By understanding "salvo que" in this context, one can appreciate its functionality in legal and formal communication, where precision and conditionality are often critical.
