samba - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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samba (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "samba" primarily refers to a style of music and dance that originated in Brazil. Samba is characterized by rhythmic, lively music and energetic dance movements. It is a significant element of Brazilian culture and is especially prominent during Carnival celebrations. The word "samba" is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about music, dance, and cultural events.

Example Sentences

  1. La samba es un baile tradicional de Brasil que se presenta en el Carnaval.
  2. The samba is a traditional dance from Brazil that is performed during Carnival.

  3. Me encanta escuchar música de samba en las fiestas.

  4. I love to listen to samba music at parties.

  5. En la escuela de arte, aprendimos a bailar samba.

  6. At the art school, we learned how to dance samba.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Samba" is less commonly found in idiomatic expressions compared to other terms, but it does appear in some cultural contexts:

  1. Bailar samba (to dance samba)
  2. Es una alegría bailar samba en la fiesta.

    • It is a joy to dance samba at the party.
  3. Samba de roda

  4. En la samba de roda, todos pueden participar.

    • In the samba de roda, everyone can participate.
  5. Samba enredo

  6. El samba enredo cuenta una historia durante el desfile.

    • The samba enredo tells a story during the parade.
  7. Del samba al funk

  8. Evolucionamos del samba al funk en la música moderna.
    • We evolved from samba to funk in modern music.


The term "samba" comes from the Bantu word "semba," which means "to belly rub." It originally referred to a type of dance in African culture. The music and dance known as samba developed in Brazil, influenced by African rhythms and Portuguese music, particularly in the context of Brazilian socialization and carnival culture.

Synonyms and Antonyms
