sancionar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sancionar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "sancionar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

/saŋ.θjoˈnaɾ/ (in Spain)
/saŋ.kjoˈnaɾ/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "sancionar" is primarily used in legal contexts where it refers to imposing a penalty or a sanction on someone for violating rules or laws. It is also used in administrative contexts to indicate the act of approving or ratifying decisions or actions. It is commonly used in both oral and written forms, with a balanced frequency depending on legal and formal discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. El juez decidió sancionar al infractor con una multa.
    The judge decided to sanction the offender with a fine.

  2. La nueva ley permitirá sancionar prácticas comerciales desleales.
    The new law will allow sanctioning unfair business practices.

  3. Es importante sancionar a quienes no respetan las normas.
    It is important to penalize those who do not respect the rules.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "sancionar" is not typically found in common idiomatic expressions, but it does feature in phrases and contexts related to governance, law, and discipline. Here are a few examples:

  1. Sancionar un decreto.
    To sanction a decree.
    El presidente tiene la autoridad para sancionar un decreto que cambie la ley.
    The president has the authority to sanction a decree that changes the law.

  2. Sancionar a alguien.
    To impose a sanction on someone.
    El comité decidió sancionar a alguien que violó las reglas del juego.
    The committee decided to sanction someone who violated the game rules.

  3. No sancionar algo.
    To not sanction something.
    La organización no sanciona el uso de la violencia en ninguna circunstancia.
    The organization does not sanction the use of violence under any circumstances.

  4. Sancionarse a sí mismo.
    To sanction oneself.
    A veces, las personas se sancionan a sí mismas por sentirse culpables.
    Sometimes, people sanction themselves for feeling guilty.


The word "sancionar" originates from the Latin "sanctionare," which means to ratify or impose a penalty. The root "sanctio," which refers to a decree or penalty, is closely related to the notion of enforcing rules or laws.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - penalizar (to penalize) - castigar (to punish) - ratificar (to ratify, in the sense of approval)

Antonyms: - exonerar (to exonerate) - absolver (to absolve) - liberar (to free, in the context of relieving penalties)
