sanear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sanear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "sanear" primarily means to clean or to cleanse something, especially with the connotation of making it healthier or safer. In legal and environmental contexts, it can imply rectifying or correcting a situation. In medicine, it often pertains to sanitizing or curing a health issue. "Sanear" tends to be used more in written contexts, especially in formal and technical documentation, though it is also present in spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. Es necesario sanear la zona contaminada para proteger la salud pública.
    It is necessary to clean the contaminated area to protect public health.

  2. El médico se encargará de sanear la herida para evitar infecciones.
    The doctor will take care of sanitizing the wound to prevent infections.

  3. El informe propone sanear las finanzas de la empresa.
    The report proposes to rectify the company’s finances.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "sanear" can be found in various idiomatic expressions, particularly in contexts concerning health, finance, and environmental issues.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Sanear una práctica ineficiente es clave para el éxito de la empresa.
    Clearing up an inefficient practice is key to the success of the company.

  2. La administración debe sanear las cuentas del estado para estabilizar la economía.
    The administration must rectify the state accounts to stabilize the economy.

  3. Sanear una relación dañada requiere tiempo y esfuerzo.
    Restoring a damaged relationship takes time and effort.

  4. Es importante sanear el entorno para promover una mejor salud comunitaria.
    It is important to clean the environment to promote better community health.

  5. La empresa necesita sanear sus operaciones para cumplir con las nuevas regulaciones.
    The company needs to clean up its operations to comply with the new regulations.


The verb "sanear" derives from the Latin word "sanare", which means "to heal" or "to remedy." The roots reflect a focus on health and cleanliness, which are retained in its modern applications across various fields.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Limpiar (to clean) - Curar (to cure) - Resanar (to repair) - Rectificar (to rectify)

Antonyms: - Contaminar (to contaminate) - Dañar (to damage) - Destruir (to destroy)

In summary, "sanear" is a versatile verb across different domains, significantly appearing in legal, medicinal, and environmental contexts, and it holds both literal and idiomatic significance in the Spanish language.
