sanitario - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sanitario (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "sanitario" is an adjective and can also function as a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. sanitary
  2. health (when used as a noun, referring to health-related matters)
  3. restroom or toilet (as a noun in specific contexts)

Meaning and Usage

"Sanitario" refers to anything related to health or hygiene. In general contexts, it commonly pertains to sanitary facilities like restrooms or toilets. In medical terms, it can refer to matters related to public health or hygiene.

The frequency of use in Spanish is moderate to high, as it is commonly encountered in both oral speech and written context, especially in discussions around health, hygiene, and facilities.

Example Sentences: 1. La falta de agua potable afecta las condiciones sanitarias de la comunidad. - The lack of drinking water affects the sanitary conditions of the community.

  1. Asegúrese de que el sanitario esté limpio antes de usarlo.
  2. Make sure the restroom is clean before using it.

  3. Las autoridades sanitarias están trabajando para controlar la epidemia.

  4. The health authorities are working to control the epidemic.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sanitario" is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions, it can still be associated with statements regarding health and hygiene. Below are some related phrases that encompass the term in broader health-related contexts:

  1. "Lavar las manos con agua y jabón es una práctica sanitaria esencial."
  2. Washing hands with soap and water is an essential sanitary practice.

  3. "Las normas sanitarias son fundamentales para prevenir enfermedades."

  4. Sanitary regulations are fundamental to preventing diseases.

  5. "El acceso a servicios sanitarios es un derecho humano básico."

  6. Access to sanitary services is a basic human right.

  7. "La limpieza y desinfección son medidas sanitarias importantes en hospitales."

  8. Cleaning and disinfection are important sanitary measures in hospitals.


The word "sanitario" originates from the Latin "sanitari-us," which relates to health, deriving from "sanitas," meaning health. This root is also related to the Spanish word "sanar," which means to heal or cure.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Higiénico (hygienic) - Saludable (healthy) - Salubre (wholesome)

Antonyms: - Insalubre (unhealthy) - Sucio (dirty) - Contaminado (contaminated)

This structured approach provides a comprehensive overview of the word "sanitario," its meanings, usage, and related aspects in the Spanish language.
