sant - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sant (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "sant" is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word "sant" translates to "saint" in English, specifically referencing someone who is recognized for their holiness or virtue in various religions.

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "sant" is often used as a shortened form of "santo" (masculine) or "santa" (feminine), meaning "saint." It is commonly utilized in religious contexts and may also function as a prefix in names of saints or in various expressions related to them.

The frequency of use can vary. "Santo" or "santa" are more commonly found in written contexts, especially in religious texts, literature, and historical accounts, but can also appear in everyday conversations among religious individuals or communities.

Example Sentences: 1. "El santo patrón de la ciudad es San Juan."
"The patron saint of the city is Saint John."

  1. "La iglesia celebrará la fiesta de todos los santos."
    "The church will celebrate All Saints' Day."

  2. "Siempre llevo una medalla de mi santo favorito."
    "I always carry a medal of my favorite saint."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "sant" is often part of idiomatic expressions in Spanish, and here are some examples:

  1. "Cosas de santos."
    "Things of saints."
    (Refers to things that are extraordinary or miraculous.)

  2. "Matar un santo."
    "To kill a saint."
    (Meaning to harm one's reputation or image, usually through rumors or gossip.)

  3. "A santo de qué."
    "On what saint's account?"
    (Used to question the reason or justification for something.)

  4. "No hay santo que valga."
    "There is no saint that matters."
    (Meaning that there's no one to rely on in difficult times.)

  5. "Mi santo de la guarda."
    "My guardian saint."
    (Refers to a protective figure, often in a religious context.)


The word "santo" originates from the Latin "sanctus," which means "holy" or "sacred." This reflects its long-standing religious connotation, particularly in Judeo-Christian contexts, where saints are recognized for their virtuous lives.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Santo - Santo patrón (patron saint) - Beatificado (beatified)

Antonyms: - Pecador (sinner) - Malvado (wicked)

This structure covers the usage and significance of "sant" in Spanish and provides comprehensive insights into its meanings, expressions, and origins.
