santuario - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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santuario (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "santuario" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Santuario" refers to a sacred place or a holy site where people go for worship, prayer, or pilgrimage. It can denote both religious and metaphorical meanings, such as a refuge or a safe space.

In the context of law, particularly in Colombia, "santuario" might refer to certain legal protections offered to individuals or groups, suggesting a place of safety or refuge against persecution or harm.

In general Spanish usage, "santuario" is used fairly frequently in both spoken and written contexts, often in discussions regarding religion, culture, and even conservation efforts (like wildlife sanctuaries).

Example Sentences

  1. En Colombia, el santuario de Las Lajas es uno de los destinos turísticos más visitados.
    In Colombia, the Las Lajas sanctuary is one of the most visited tourist destinations.

  2. El niño encontró un santuario en el bosque donde podía jugar en paz.
    The boy found a sanctuary in the woods where he could play in peace.

  3. Los activistas trabajaron arduamente para crear un santuario para los animales rescatados.
    The activists worked hard to create a sanctuary for the rescued animals.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "santuario" is not frequently found in numerous idiomatic expressions. However, it can be incorporated into broader cultural or metaphorical expressions related to safety, refuge, or sacredness.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Este lugar se convirtió en un santuario para artistas que buscan inspiración.
    This place has become a sanctuary for artists seeking inspiration.

  2. La biblioteca era un santuario de conocimiento en la ciudad.
    The library was a sanctuary of knowledge in the city.

  3. Durante la tormenta, su casa se convirtió en un santuario para sus amigos.
    During the storm, his house became a sanctuary for his friends.

  4. Ella encontró un santuario en la música para escapar de sus problemas.
    She found a sanctuary in music to escape her problems.


The word "santuario" comes from the Latin "sanctuarium," which refers to a "sacred place" or "shrine," derived from "sanctus," meaning "holy" or "sacred."

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "santuario" encompasses a rich meaning in both religious and metaphorical contexts, serving as a significant term in general Spanish, legal discussions, and cultural references, particularly within Colombian society.
