sauce - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sauce (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "sauce" in Spanish refers to a liquid, typically used as a flavor enhancer in dishes. It can be made from various ingredients including vegetables, spices, meat stocks, and other flavoring agents. The word is used frequently in culinary contexts, both in oral and written forms, particularly in recipes, cooking shows, and restaurant menus.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gusta añadir un poco de sauce a mis pastas.
  2. I like to add a bit of sauce to my pasta.

  3. El chef preparó un sauce especial para el filete.

  4. The chef prepared a special sauce for the steak.

  5. No olvides comprar sauce para la ensalada.

  6. Don’t forget to buy sauce for the salad.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "sauce" appears in several idiomatic expressions in the Spanish language. Here are some examples:

  1. Echarle salsa a la vida
  2. Signifies adding excitement or flavor to life.
  3. Ejemplo: A veces, es bueno echarle salsa a la vida y hacer algo diferente.
  4. Sometimes, it's good to add some sauce to life and do something different.

  5. Salsa de la vida

  6. Refers to an essential and enriching part of life.
  7. Ejemplo: La amistad es la salsa de la vida.
  8. Friendship is the sauce of life.

  9. Salsa y sanfaina

  10. A phrase emphasizing the importance of savory variety in experiences or dishes.
  11. Ejemplo: La vida sin salsa y sanfaina es monótona.
  12. Life without sauce and variety is monotonous.

  13. A falta de salsa, buen provecho

  14. Meaning that one should make the best of a situation despite its lack of an ideal component.
  15. Ejemplo: Aunque no teníamos la mejor salsa, a falta de salsa, buen provecho.
  16. Even though we didn’t have the best sauce, if there’s no sauce, good appetite.


The word "sauce" comes from the Latin "salsā", meaning "salted" or "salty", derived from "sal", which means salt. The evolution reflects the historical importance of sauce in cooking as a means of flavoring and preserving food.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview provides insight into the Spanish word "sauce," detailing its usage, idiomatic expressions, and more, which not only serve culinary purposes but also enrich the linguistic and cultural texture of the Spanish language.
