secreta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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secreta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "secreta" generally pertains to something that is kept hidden or not disclosed. It is the feminine form of "secreto" and can refer to confidential information or private matters. The term is used in various contexts, often pertaining to clandestine activities or private lifestyles.

Frequency of Use: The word is relatively common, especially in informal and conversational contexts, but can also be seen in written texts, particularly in formal or literary works.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella guardó su secreto de manera muy secreta.
  2. She kept her secret very secretly.

  3. La investigación fue conducida en una sala secreta.

  4. The investigation was conducted in a secret room.

  5. Las tres se reunieron para discutir un plan que era muy secreto.

  6. The three of them met to discuss a plan that was very secret.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Secreta" is often used in several Spanish idiomatic expressions. Here are a few:

  1. Bajo llave y a súplica secreta
  2. Translation: Under lock and at secret request.
  3. Usage: Used to describe something that is heavily guarded or kept confidential.

  4. La vida secreta de

  5. Translation: The secret life of…
  6. Usage: This phrase is used to refer to hidden aspects of someone's life or persona.

  7. No hay secretos entre amigos

  8. Translation: There are no secrets among friends.
  9. Usage: This expression suggests that genuine friendships are built on trust and openness.

  10. Secreta búsqueda

  11. Translation: Secret search.
  12. Usage: Refers to a search or investigation that is conducted discreetly.

  13. Círculo secreto

  14. Translation: Secret circle.
  15. Usage: Describes a group with private meetings or discussions, often with hidden agendas.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Mantuvieron su relación bajo llave y a súplica secreta durante años.
  2. They kept their relationship under lock and at secret request for years.

  3. Estoy leyendo "La vida secreta de los árboles" y es fascinante.

  4. I am reading "The Secret Life of Trees" and it is fascinating.

  5. Siempre dicen que no hay secretos entre amigos, pero a veces es difícil.

  6. They always say there are no secrets among friends, but sometimes it is hard.

  7. La policía inició una secreta búsqueda de pruebas sobre el caso.

  8. The police initiated a secret search for evidence on the case.

  9. En el colegio, formaron un círculo secreto para hablar de sus planes.

  10. In school, they formed a secret circle to talk about their plans.


The word "secreta" derives from the Latin secretus, which means "set apart" or "hidden". This Latin root informs the related words in many Romance languages, maintaining the meaning associated with secrecy or privacy.

Synonyms and Antonyms
