secretaria - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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secretaria (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "secretaria" refers to the role of a secretary—an administrative professional responsible for organizing, managing, and facilitating various office tasks, such as communication, scheduling, and documentation. In Mexico, it is frequently used in both formal and informal contexts.

The word is common in both spoken and written Spanish, although it may appear more frequently in written contexts, such as job descriptions, official documents, and organizational charts.

Example Sentences

  1. La secretaria respondió a todas las llamadas del jefe.
    The secretary answered all the boss's calls.

  2. Necesitamos una secretaria que pueda manejar varias tareas a la vez.
    We need a secretary who can handle multiple tasks at once.

  3. La secretaria de la empresa organiza las reuniones y agenda.
    The company's secretary organizes meetings and schedules.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, "secretaria" is not prominently featured in idiomatic expressions, but it can be part of phrases that denote the role's importance in office culture. Here are a few relevant expressions:

  1. Ser la mano derecha del jefe (To be the right hand of the boss) - La secretaria es la mano derecha del director y está siempre disponible para ayudarle.
    The secretary is the right hand of the director and is always available to help him.

  2. Sacar el trabajo adelante (To get the job done) - Gracias a la secretaria, el equipo logró sacar el trabajo adelante antes de la fecha límite.
    Thanks to the secretary, the team managed to get the job done before the deadline.

  3. Trabajar codo a codo (To work side by side) - La secretaria trabaja codo a codo con los demás empleados para garantizar el éxito de los proyectos.
    The secretary works side by side with other employees to ensure the success of projects.

  4. Desempeñar un papel crucial (To play a crucial role) - La secretaria desempeña un papel crucial en la gestión de la oficina.
    The secretary plays a crucial role in the management of the office.


The word "secretaria" comes from the Latin "secretarius," which means "secret" or "hidden," indicating someone entrusted with confidential information. The suffix "-ía" denotes a state or condition, thus transforming the meaning into a role related to secretkeeping or administrative tasks.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This structured information should provide a comprehensive overview of the word "secretaria" as used in the general, economic, and Mexican contexts.
