sector - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sector (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage in Spanish

The word sector in Spanish refers to a distinct part or division of a larger whole, often used in various contexts such as economics, law, military, or mathematics. It denotes a specific segment or area recognized for its characteristics or particularities. The term is widely used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in academic, business, and official documentation.

Frequency of Use

The term is commonly used in various domains, including economics (e.g., "sector privado"), legal discussions (e.g., "sector público"), military terminology (e.g., "sector de operaciones"), and even in daily conversation. Its versatility makes it a frequently employed word in both formal and informal discourse.

Example Sentences

  1. El sector agrícola ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo este año.
    The agricultural sector has experienced significant growth this year.

  2. Es vital invertir en el sector educativo para el desarrollo del país.
    It's essential to invest in the educational sector for the country's development.

  3. El sector de tecnología está en constante evolución.
    The technology sector is constantly evolving.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "sector" may not have many idiomatic expressions directly associated with it, it is commonly used in various phrases and collocations. Below are some idiomatic contexts:

  1. Escoger un sector de inversión.
    To choose an investment sector.
    Este año planeo escoger un sector de inversión que tenga alto potencial de crecimiento.
    This year, I plan to choose an investment sector that has high growth potential.

  2. Competir en el sector.
    To compete in the sector.
    Las empresas deben prepararse bien para competir en el sector internacional.
    Companies must prepare well to compete in the international sector.

  3. Reforma del sector público.
    Public sector reform.
    La reforma del sector público es crucial para mejorar la eficiencia del gobierno.
    Public sector reform is crucial for improving government efficiency.

  4. Desarrollo del sector privado.
    Development of the private sector.
    El desarrollo del sector privado genera más empleos y oportunidades económicas.
    The development of the private sector generates more jobs and economic opportunities.

  5. Apertura del sector energético.
    Opening up the energy sector.
    La apertura del sector energético ha atraído inversiones extranjeras.
    The opening up of the energy sector has attracted foreign investments.


The word "sector" originates from the Latin term "sectorem," which means "to cut." This etymology reflects the concept of a segment or division being cut out from a larger entity.



This comprehensive detail should provide you with a solid understanding of the term "sector" as used in the Spanish language across various contexts.
