sectores sociales - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

sectores sociales (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic transcription

/ˈseɡtoɾes soˈsjales/



"Sectores sociales" refers to different groups within society that share common characteristics or interests, such as economic status, occupation, or cultural background. This term is commonly used in both economics and law to refer to distinct segments of the population.

In Spanish, "sectores sociales" is frequently used in both written and oral contexts. It is commonly found in academic literature, political discourse, and legal documents.


  1. Los sectores sociales más afectados por la crisis económica necesitan apoyo.
  2. The social sectors most affected by the economic crisis need support.

  3. La Ley de Protección de los Sectores Sociales Vulnerables entrará en vigor el próximo mes.

  4. The Law for the Protection of Vulnerable Social Sectors will come into effect next month.

Idiomatic Expressions


  1. Estar en un sector social privilegiado
  2. To be in a privileged social sector

  3. Los sectores sociales más desfavorecidos

  4. The most disadvantaged social sectors

  5. Acuerdo entre los diferentes sectores sociales

  6. Agreement among different social sectors

  7. Separar los sectores sociales

  8. To separate social sectors


The word "sectores" comes from the Latin word "sectōr" meaning 'cutter' or 'divider,' which evolved in Latin to refer to different parts or sections.

Synonyms and Antonyms