secuestrar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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secuestrar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "secuestrar" refers to the act of unlawfully taking and carrying away a person by force or fraud, often demanding a ransom for their release. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts, especially in discussions about crime, law enforcement, and security. The frequency of use is relatively high due to the serious nature of the act it describes. It is often used in written contexts such as law reports, news articles, and government documents, but it can also be found in oral speech, particularly in conversations about crime or safety.

Example Sentences

  1. "El delincuente planeaba secuestrar a la hija de un empresario rico."
    "The criminal was planning to kidnap the daughter of a wealthy businessman."

  2. "Es ilegal secuestrar a alguien, y puede resultar en largas penas de prisión."
    "It is illegal to kidnap someone, and it can result in long prison sentences."

  3. "Las autoridades informaron sobre un aumento en los casos de secuestro en la zona."
    "Authorities reported an increase in kidnapping cases in the area."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "secuestrar" is not typically featured in many idiomatic expressions, its concept does exist in various phrases that emphasize the seriousness of kidnapping or the act of taking something by force.

  1. "Secuestrar un avión"
  2. Translation: "To hijack an airplane"
  3. Example: "Los terroristas intentaron secuestrar un avión para llamar la atención del gobierno."
  4. "The terrorists attempted to hijack a plane to draw the government's attention."

  5. "Secuestrar un bien"

  6. Translation: "To seize an asset"
  7. Example: "El banco puede secuestrar un bien si no se pagan las deudas."
  8. "The bank can seize an asset if debts are not paid."

  9. "Secuestrar la atención"

  10. Translation: "To capture attention"
  11. Example: "El artista logró secuestrar la atención del público con su actuación."
  12. "The artist managed to capture the audience's attention with his performance."


The word "secuestrar" comes from the Latin word "sequestrare," which means "to place apart" or "to set aside," derived from "sequester," meaning to isolate or separate. The term evolved in the context of law to imply the separation of a person from their liberty.

Synonyms and Antonyms
