seductor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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seductor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

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Meaning and Usage

The word "seductor" in Spanish can refer to a person who seduces, typically someone who charms or entices others, often with romantic or sexual intentions. As an adjective, "seductor" describes something that has the quality of enticing or appealing in a charming way.

In general usage, the term is prevalent in both oral and written contexts but is more commonly seen in written literature, advertising, media, and discussions related to interpersonal relationships.

Example Sentences

  1. El seductor nunca revela sus verdaderas intenciones.
  2. The seducer never reveals his true intentions.

  3. Su personalidad seductora atrae a muchas personas.

  4. Her seductive personality attracts many people.

  5. La película tiene un trama seductor que mantiene al espectador enganchado.

  6. The movie has a seductive plot that keeps the viewer hooked.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "seductor" is not a key component of many idiomatic expressions on its own, but its related forms and synonyms frequently appear in sayings that explore themes of allure and attraction.

  1. Ojo seductor: Una mirada que captura la atención de manera intensa.
  2. Translation: A seductive gaze that captures attention intensely.

  3. Palabras seductoras: Frases que encantan o manipulan la percepción de alguien.

  4. Translation: Seductive words that enchant or manipulate someone's perception.

  5. Seductor de almas: Alguien que tiene un gran atractivo que llega al corazón de los demás.

  6. Translation: Seducer of souls; someone with great appeal that reaches others' hearts.


The term "seductor" derives from the Latin "seductor," formed by "seducere," where "se-" means apart and "ducere" means to lead. Thus, it essentially means "to lead away," which captures its notion of enticing or charming someone away from their reservations or previous loyalties.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview of the word "seductor" highlights its multifaceted nature within the Spanish language, elucidating its usage in various contexts.
