segur - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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segur (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Segur" is an archaic term often considered a variant or cognate of "seguro" (which means "safe" or "secure"). In contemporary Spanish, it functions primarily as an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Segur" is not commonly used in modern-day Spanish; however, it historically referred to being safe, secure, or certain. Its usage has declined, and in contemporary contexts, "seguro" is the preferred term. "Segur" could be commonly encountered in historical texts or literature, but it is rarely used in current oral or written forms.

Example Sentences

  1. El camino es segur y fácil de recorrer.
    (The path is safe and easy to traverse.)

  2. Debemos seguir el consejo de alguien segur.
    (We should follow the advice of someone certain.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "segur" is not frequently used in contemporary idiomatic expressions, its root "seguro" appears in several idioms that may be of interest. Here are examples using "seguro":

  1. Estar seguro de algo.
    (To be sure of something.)
  2. Estoy seguro de que vendrá.
    (I am sure that he will come.)

  3. Asegurar el futuro.
    (To secure the future.)

  4. Es importante asegurar el futuro de nuestros hijos.
    (It is important to secure the future of our children.)

  5. Seguro como el sol.
    (As sure as the sun.)

  6. Su amor por ella es seguro como el sol.
    (His love for her is as sure as the sun.)

  7. Con el seguro en la mano.
    (With the surety in hand.)

  8. Necesitamos actuar con el seguro en la mano.
    (We need to act with surety in hand.)


The term "segur" traces its roots back to the Latin word "securus," which means "free from care" or "safe." This etymology relates to its later forms in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Seguro
- Cierto
- Protegido (protected)
- Asegurado (ensured)

- Inseguro (insecure)
- Dudos (doubtful)
- Peligroso (dangerous)

In summary, "segur" is an archaic term reflecting the concept of safety and certainty, and while it might not see common use today, it remains relevant in historical texts. The more modern "seguro" serves a similar purpose and is prevalent in various idiomatic expressions in contemporary Spanish.
