seis - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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seis (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Phonetic transcription

Translation options into English

Meaning and usage

The word "seis" is the Spanish numeral that represents the quantity six. It is used in various contexts such as counting, mathematical expressions, measurement, and describing amounts. "Seis" is relatively common and is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, especially in conversations that involve numbers, time, or quantity.

Example sentences

  1. Seis personas llegaron a la fiesta.
  2. Translation: Six people arrived at the party.

  3. El precio de la camiseta es seis euros.

  4. Translation: The price of the T-shirt is six euros.

  5. Ella tiene seis hermanos.

  6. Translation: She has six siblings.

Idiomatic expressions

The number "seis" is often found in various idiomatic expressions. Here are a few examples:

  1. Estar como un seis: Signifies being in a very good mood, often implying that someone is feeling good about life.
  2. Translation: To be in a great mood.

  3. Example: Hoy estoy como un seis porque recibí buenas noticias.

    • Translation: Today I’m in a great mood because I received good news.
  4. Sacar un seis: Refers to obtaining a high mark (a six out of ten or higher) in academic or skill-oriented contexts.

  5. Translation: To get a high score.

  6. Example: Si estudio mucho, puedo sacar un seis en el examen.

    • Translation: If I study hard, I can get a high score on the exam.
  7. Contar hasta seis: Means to count up to six, often used when teaching children or during simple counting games.

  8. Translation: To count up to six.

  9. Example: Vamos a contar hasta seis antes de comenzar el juego.

    • Translation: Let's count to six before starting the game.


The word "seis" comes from the Latin "sex," which means six. Through the evolution of the Romance languages, it retained a similar form and meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms


The numeral "seis" is a fundamental component of the Spanish language, used extensively in daily life. It appears both in standard counting and idiomatic expressions, enriching the language with its presence.
