sellador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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sellador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "sellador" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "sellador" refers to a substance used to seal joints, surfaces, or materials together, often to prevent leakage or to provide insulation against water, air, or sound. The term is commonly used in construction, automotive applications, and in manufacturing processes.

The frequency of use is relatively high in specialized contexts, particularly in written technical documents, construction manuals, and product descriptions. It is less frequently used in casual, everyday conversation unless discussing relevant topics.

Example Sentences

  1. "El sellador que utilizamos en la construcción evita filtraciones de agua."
  2. "The sealant we used in construction prevents water leaks."

  3. "Para reparar la cubierta del techo, es necesario aplicar un buen sellador."

  4. "To repair the roof covering, it is necessary to apply a good sealer."

  5. "En la industria automotriz, el sellador es esencial para el montaje de piezas."

  6. "In the automotive industry, the sealant is essential for assembling parts."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "sellador" does not commonly appear in idiomatic expressions in Spanish, but it can be involved in expressions concerning sealing or closure. Here are a few examples of related expressions (not all strictly idiomatic):

  1. "Sellador de heridas" (Sealer for wounds).
  2. "El médico usó un sellador de heridas para cerrar la corte."
  3. "The doctor used a wound sealer to close the cut."

  4. "Sellador de información" (Sealer of information).

  5. "El director es el sellador de información confidencial en la empresa."
  6. "The director is the sealer of confidential information in the company."

  7. "Sellador temporal" (Temporary sealant).

  8. "Usamos un sellador temporal hasta que lleguen los materiales adecuados."
  9. "We used a temporary sealant until the right materials arrive."


The term "sellador" derives from the verb "sellar," which means "to seal." The suffix "-dor" is often used in Spanish to denote a person or substance that performs a particular action, thus "sellador" refers to something that seals.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "sellador" is an important term in various technical fields, primarily related to sealing and adhesive applications.
